Can You Get a Credit Card If You Do Not Have a Credit History

Credit Card is a dream for many; hence applicants always rush to fill out the applications once they find a card that pleases them. The same goes with the banks, issuing bank checks all the details present relate to the applicant’s financial health. The finance check includes a hard inquiry involving credit with the motive of pulling out the credit history of the person and checking out the creditworthiness of the applicant. This inquiry helps the bank in risk access related to the applicant.

This risk access tells the bank whether it will be a good decision to provide the credit card to that applicant or not. Generally, other things are checked by the banks that are the credit score and if the applicant meets the general eligible criteria. The eligibility criteria revolve around the legal age of earnings, salary or income status, and residential status. However, a bad credit score can also disrupt your chances of actually qualifying for the credit cards and it can also hinder your chances of any financial aid at all.

Can You Get a Credit Card If You Do Not Have a Credit History

What is a Credit History?

Credit History is a record of all your borrowing and repaying activities. The credit history starts building up from the day you borrowed credit from your bank be it in the form of cards or loans. In simpler words, credit history shows your borrowing and repaying behavior which makes your history either good or poor.

A good credit history means you have been borrowing in a limited manner and repaying it without missing a single payment, without any missed or delayed payment. But if the credit history is anyhow poor this means you have been either borrowing a lot or made late payments or no payments at all.

It is also important to know that one entry remains for 7 years in your credit report and your credit history will show that missed or late payment in it. This can mess up your credit score and also your chances of getting any financial aid in the future.

Importance of Credit History

  • Helps the issuer evaluate the applicant’s creditworthiness.
  • Informs the creditors about your standing credit
  • Allows them to know whether you are eligible for a new credit card
  • In the case of a new applicant, no credit history will reflect in your credit report.

This means that there are cases where credit history does not make any impact on your credit application, this happens when you do not have a credit history at all meaning you are new to the credit market. Where analysis of your credit report is mandatory so regardless of whether being a new applicant bank pulls out your credit report to check the details. Once the history is blank, they can proceed further in providing you with a credit card if you are eligible for it.

How can you get a Credit Card with no Credit History?

You can get your hands on credit even without a credit history or credit score. There are many ways through which you can have a credit card even if you are a homemaker, college student, or even a fresher just starting a job, here is how –

1. Secured Credit Cards

These are the types of credit cards that an applicant request from a credit card provider by opening a Fixed Deposit with the bank. The Fixed Deposit made can start from a basic amount of just Rs. 25,000. Your credit limit is determined based on the amount of the FD.

2. Add-On Credit Card

You can also get a supplementary credit card if you have a primary credit card holder in your family. This will be a good chance of building a credit history and credit score as well. Remember, the cardholder must be your blood relation or first family.

3. Credit Cards against Saving Account

Some banks also offer credit cards against savings accounts, in case you already have a savings account, it will be most beneficial for you to get a credit card on that basis. While some banks provide this type of facility, there might be others, that might not allow you a credit card on the basis of a savings account.

4. Get a credit card based on your salary statement

One of the best ways to get a credit card is based on your salary statement. In case you are a salaried employee of a public or a private company for over 6 months, you can apply for a credit card against your salary statement. This credit card has to be applied with the bank where your salary gets credited every month. There might be some documentation needed from your company but that is just to assure the bank of your employment status.


Credit reports hold a great deal of significance in determining the answer to an applicant’s application. The credit history holds a significant weight to your creditworthiness because it shows your credit behavior so far. A good credit history will lead you to better credit card options from which you can choose but a poor or bad credit history will not only put your credit score at the bottom but it will also hinder your chances of financial aid.

There are many ways through which you can get a credit card even without having a credit history. These ways can help you start building your credit history and increase your credit score. There are many possible ways to help yourself out, you just need to choose the best-suited option for you.


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